Zili | How much does a portable pneumatic baler cost? Which supply manufacturer is good?

Zili News2021/10/24 20:35:52

Recently, with the factory packing more and more demand, more bosses in the search for good quality and low price pneumatic baler, recent visit to Hunan Miluo customer Zheng teacher factory, see the factory with a pneumatic baler, roughly there is a 18 sets of the same, then how much is a pneumatic baler? Supply manufacturers which is good?

Zili | How much does a portable pneumatic baler cost? Which supply manufacturer is good?

The pneumatic baler is a friction fusion type baler, where overlapping thermoplastic straps are combined by heat generated by friction activity, hence the name "friction fusion" Compressed air presses down the piston of the cylinder, which is connected to the upper part of the vibrator and the locating pins, which presses down on the overlapping portion of the straps. An oval hole is built into the vibrator, which is connected to the eccentric shaft of the air motor, which rotates at high speed, causing the vibrator to move back and forth rapidly. The lower part of the baling band is held in place by the triangular teeth of the base mould, and the upper part is driven by the triangular teeth of the vibrator, which rub violently. As such, the overlapping parts of the baling band are superheated and fused, and the fusion ends when the oscillator is timed. The upper and lower parts of the baling band are glued together while being squeezed, and are left to stand for a few seconds to ensure that the fusion has cooled.

Zili | How much does a portable pneumatic baler cost? Which supply manufacturer is good?

Pneumatic baler trafficking is usually wired and offline two kinds of online product merchants are particularly very much, the quality is uneven, the price is also different, usually using pneumatic baler simple version priced at 859-999. Offline is basically two models, one is the manufacturer direct sales, as usual, according to the baler configuration pricing, benchmarks ranging from 1000-1800, there is also a shop dealers or agents, this mode of sale is not destined to take the configuration of the machine is very high, due to the transparency of the market, the price can not be too high to sell but also to have a profit. Selling price benchmark 1200-2400.

Which is the best pneumatic baler manufacturer? Purchase of balers need to look for formal manufacturers, self-reliant technology pneumatic baler factory are playing the CHTPACK seal mark, the same entry into the after-sales service system, one year warranty. Zheng teacher factory has 12 sets of this baler, with 3 years, has been used quite good.