Zili | Mid-Autumn Message National Day with you to enjoy the Golden Autumn together!

Zili News2023/9/21 8:23:14

Dear Customers and Partners:

With the arrival of the golden autumn season, the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are about to overlap. We would like to celebrate this special occasion with you! Please check the picture of the attached notification letter for our holiday schedule and related arrangements.

Our holiday period is from 29 September 2023 to 6 October 2023, a total of 8 days. 7 October 2023 (Saturday) and 8 October 2023 (Sunday) will be a normal work day.

Please understand that some shipments and services may be affected during this period. We are looking forward to continuing to deepen our cooperation with you after the festival and provide you with high quality strapping service! Thank you for your understanding and support, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a healthy National Day!

From the team at Zili