Zili | 2023 Annual Fire Drill Successfully Held

Zili News2023/5/4 10:44:41

On 28th April 2023, Zili successfully held this year's fire drill at the company's south entrance site. The drill was aimed at enhancing the fire safety awareness of all staff, improving self-rescue ability, and ensuring the minimisation of staff life safety and property loss.

Zili | 2023 Annual Fire Drill Successfully Held

■ Fire drill site

The drill included the use of fire extinguishers and fire scene evacuation. During the drill, Zheng Daozhu, the safety production administrator, and Ma Chenchen, the personnel, taught the staff the correct use of fire extinguishers and simulated the evacuation of the workshop fire scene. Ye Shaoyi, the general manager of the company, acted as the chief commander of the drill, supervising and guiding the whole process.

Zili | 2023 Annual Fire Drill Successfully Held

■ Employees learn how to use fire extinguishers

The fire drill was widely participated by all departments, including production workshop, equipment department, warehousing department, cleaning, security and so on. The drill was a complete success, allowing employees to deeply understand the importance of fire safety and laying a solid foundation for improving the company's overall fire safety level.

Zili | 2023 Annual Fire Drill Successfully Held

■ Fire scene evacuation drills

After the drill, the company leaders fully affirmed the drill and expressed their gratitude to all the employees who participated in the drill. They emphasised that fire safety is related to the life and property safety of every employee, and hoped that everyone can learn and master fire knowledge seriously, and integrate fire safety awareness into daily work and life, so as to ensure the safe and stable development of the company.

Zili | 2023 Annual Fire Drill Successfully Held

Zili will continue to increase fire safety training and conduct regular fire drills to ensure that all employees are familiar with fire safety operations, in an effort to create a safe, green and efficient business environment.